25 JUNE 1910, page 12

The Crystal Palace As A Memorial To King Edward.

[To THE EDITOR OF TER " SPECTATOR:I Srit,—In the course of an interview with a representative of the Pal/ Man Gazette, reported in a recent issue of that journal, Sir Melvin.......

The Care Of The Feeble-minded.

[To THE EDITOR or Tax "SrEcrAron."] Sin e —There can be little doubt that the cause of this un- fortunate class of the community will be much helped by your influential support.......

Tar: Education Settlement Committee's Scream.

[To TER EDITOR OF THY " SPECTATOR. ° 1 Sra,—The proposed scheme raises a large question which, in the old Puritan phrase, lies very near the root of the matter. Doubtless the......

Letters To The Editor.

JOHN STUART MILL AND SOCIALIS1L [To rim Eorros or TIM " sracmrca.1 SIR,—In last week's Spectator Mr. Tillett draws attention to a paragraph in my introduction to "The Letters of......