25 MARCH 1837, page 20

The Grand March, Performed At The Various Conservative...

Composed by HENRY HERZ. Written, like the foregoing pieces, to order, and of the same stamp.......

" England's Hope." Sung By All The Principal Vocalists At

the Conserva- tive Meetings. Composed by H. R. Bisnoe. How does it happen that BISHOP, with his acute perception of all that is really grand and graceful in music, should now......

Very Ancient German Christmas Carol. The Melody...

Words translated by R. L. PEARSALL, Esq., of Willsbridge, Gloucestershire. This composition is equally curious and beautiful. It was found by its learned and accomplished editor......

" The Hero Of A Hundred Fights." By S. Nelson.

The last song was in praise of PEEL-this of WELLINGTON. Here, but here alone, the composers meet on equal terms; and NELSON, for once, rivals Balm!......