25 MARCH 1989, page 26

Out Of The Mouths . . .

Sir: Dominic Lawson's delightful story of Dick and Stephen White (Diary, 25 Febru- ary) brings to mind the story of how the American press found out about Richard Nixon's secret......

Trojan Horsburgh

Sir: Michael Trend wonders who ('Schooled for success?', 11 March) Miss F. Horsburgh was that her picture should hang among those of the Ministers (now Secretaries of State) for......

For The Record

Sir: Alas, Dinu Lipatti died when only 33, not 43 as stated in Noel Malcolm's other- wise excellent review (Books, 4 February). In his limited repertory he stood alone,......

Christopher Dawson

Sir: I should be grateful if you would allow me the use of your correspondence col- umns to draw attention to the forthcoming centenary (October 1989) of the birth of the great......


Sir: I find myself wondering from time to time how particular actions of EEC bureaucrats and politicians are supposed to further the Community's principal aims. One such......

'bosom Friend'

Sir: From various highly challengeable assertions and, I think, some plain errors in David Nokes's de haut en bas review of my life of Burke (Spectator, 14 January), may I......