25 MAY 1929, page 1

News Of The Week The Election Campaign I F There Is

much less excitement and much less bitterness than in former election campaigns, it is because the issues are numerous and confused. Feeling is dissipated over many subjects......

Revolt Of The Insurance Workers On Wednesday The Times...

some correspond- ence which explains why the nationalization of life insurance did not appear in the Labour Party's election programme, although in Labour and the Nation this......

Mr. Snowden's Finance Mr. Snowden, - Whose Cool Analysis...

finance has often compelled our admiration, seems to have been thrown off his balance by his recent unhappy exploit in the House of Commons - in connexion with the Balfour Note.......

One Result Of These Transactions Was That The Chairman Of

the Unionist headquarters was requested to withdraw a leaflet which states that the Socialist policy is to nationalize life insurance. Mr. Davidson refused. We are entirely for......

[signed Articles Do Not Necessarily Represent The Views...


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