25 MAY 2002, page 30

Democracy In Ny

From Mr Guy Stair Saintv Sir: While there is much truth in Mark Steyn's passionate endorsement of American democracy ('Sweet land of liberty', 18 May), its extent may be limited......

Doing A Favour

From Sir Stephen Hastings Sir: We should be grateful to Philip Gould (Power to the people', 18 May). Never has the confusion and inanity of New Labour thinking been so......

Desmond And The Bbc

From Mr Mark Damazer Sir: Stephen Glover's relentless campaign against the BBC led him to say (Media studies, 18 May) that BBC television news had 'almost entirely ignored' news......

It's Not Cricket

From Mr P.M. Roebuck Sir: Michael Henderson (Sport. 18 May) says that I missed the imbroglio after Michael Atherton had been filmed putting soil on a cricket ball because I had......

The Right To Speak

From Mr Peter Tatchell Sir: I am, for once, in wholehearted agreement with Peter Hitchens (`Keep quiet or face arrest', 11 May). The conviction of Harry Hammond for displaying a......

Lonely Old World

From Mr Trevor Lyttleton Sir: My favourite Spectator columnist, Petronella Wyatt (Singular life, 18 May), attributes the 'declining standards of behaviour' of our pensioners to......

Kelvin Fights Back

From Mr Kelvin MacKenzie Sir: I am outraged at Bruce Anderson's (`Knickers to Kelvin MacKenzie', 18 May) description of me as having the attentionspan of a mayf If you would......