25 NOVEMBER 1882, page 2

The Debate On The Ninth Resolution Was Enlivened With An

attack on Mr. Playfair for a totally imaginary offence. Colonel Nolan on Tuesday night intimated that during the sensational scene of this Session when the doctrine of......

The Application On Thursday Of The New Rule Respecting A

motion for adjournment, intended to bring forward a discussion on a "definite matter of urgent public importance," was• effected in a highly satisfactory manner, Mr. Parnell......

The Debate On The Half-past Twelve O'clock Rule Was An

amus- ing one, and Sir John Hay carried 26 Members with him into the lobby for the total repeal of the rule, for which very able men like Sir John Lubbock and Mr. Bryce also......

A Very Unworthy Statement Has Been Put Forth On The

part• of Mr. Raikes, namely, that he was opposed to the Public Worship Regulation Act, though his position as Chairman of Committees prevented him from voting against it. It......

The Standing Order Against Obstruction, As Finally...

:—" (9), That, whenever any Member shall have been named by the Speaker, or by the Chairman of a Committee of the whole House, immediately after the commission of the offence,......

The Ninth Resolution, Which Deals With The Offence Of...

obstruction, or disobedience to the order of the House, was discussed during a great part of Monday, and all Tuesday and Wednesday. The debate showed a very general dislike on......

Lord Salisbury's Speech At Edinburgh On Thursday Was As Full

of small, cleverish hits as it was of unstatesmanlike blunders. He ascribed the failure of the effort to decide the Egyptian question without resort to arms, to the unhappy......