25 OCTOBER 1890, page 3

The Servian Government Is Devoting Itself To The...

and reorganising of its Army, and has now 160,000 men, Reserves included, all provided with the newest rifles. Every State in the Eastern Peninsula is doing the same thing,......

We Perceive That Sarah Bernhardt, In Her New Representa-...

of Cleopatra, has departed from the traditional idea of the Queen's physique, and appears with auburn or reddish- brown hair. That is probably an innovation in the direction of......

M. Ronvier, The French Minister Of Finance, Has Had Fresh

difficulties with his Budget. He is still £600,000 short, and proposed to raise this sum by sharp duties on patent medi- cines, cosmetics, and mineral waters. The Budget Com-......

Sir Richard Burton Died At Trieste On Monday, At The

age of sixty-nine. He was one of the earliest and greatest of modern African explorers—he discovered Lake Tanganyika —a profound Arabic scholar, who really understood Arab......

The Archbishop Of Canterbury Is To Deliver Judgment In The

Bishop of Lincoln's case next Friday, too late, we fear, for our next issue. It is a judgment which must have great interest for the Church at large, and may have very weighty......

To This Mr. Morley Replied On Monday In A Speech

at New- castle, and afterwards in letters to the Times, that whether or not Colonel Caddell were right in anticipating mis- chief, he yet, acting on Mr. Morley's own advice, did......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.

New Console (g) were on Friday 944 to 94-I.......

On Saturday, Mr. Balfour Dealt With The Attack On The

Tipperary proceedings of the Government. He denied posi- tively that Mr. Shannon, who is Bitting on the Bench at Tipperary, is engaged in the executive duties of controlling the......

A Great Controversy Has Been Going On Concerning What Is

called the " Reconciliation Service " held in St. Paul's as a sort of formal recognition of the desecration of the act of suicide committed there at the end of September, and by......