25 OCTOBER 1913, page 1

News Of The Week.

N R. LLOYD GEORGE'S speech at Swindon will, we expect, prove a great disappointment to many of the hotheads as soon as they have thought it over, for it all comes down to......

Among The New Duties Which Are To Be Undertaken By

the Ministry of Lands are : (1) The registration of title and land transfer under some simplified system. (2) The administration of the law affecting settled estates, which is......

In Regard To Housing, The Cheerful Announcement Is Made That

the provision of cottages is to be undertaken by the Central Government, that an economic rent for cottages will be charged, and that the Insurance Reserve Fund will be used to......

Next We Are Told That The Powers Of The Ministry

are to be operated through Commissions of a judicial character. This, of course, is the old plan of taking matters of keen economic controversy out of the purview of the courts......

Last Comes The Great Money-spending Scheme. The Com-...

to be able to acquire derelict and uncultivated land, and to afforest, reclaim, or equip it with a view to cultiva- tion. That way millions go. Finally the Commissioners, who......

Among The Powers Of The Commissioners Are To Be The

revision of eviction notices, with power to award full com- pensation and " exemplary damages " in cases of "capricious " eviction. The text of Mr. Lloyd George's speech informs......

What, We Wonder, Is Meant By The Tantalizingly Vague Sugges-

tion that " 'wanton " notices to quit are to be treated as null and of no effect ? Can it be that the Land Reformers think that the droit de seigneur is practised in Wiltshire......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any
