25 SEPTEMBER 1880, page 23

The Proselytes Of Ishmael. By Charles Ingham Black, B.a....

lyns.)—The title of Mr. Black's book may excite curiosity, but this is scarcely the object of a title. The book really is "A Short His- torical Survey of the Turanian Tribes in......

Workers In The Dawn.*

WHETUER Mr. Gissing does or does not ultimately attain a high place in imaginative literature, there is no doubt that Workers in the Dawn is a very powerful work. So powerful......

Report Of The New York State Surrey For The Year

1879. By James T. Gardner, Director. (Charles Van Benthuysen and Sons, Albany, N.Y.)—The interesting part of this volume is the Report on the Niagara Falls, about which it is......

Selections From The Poetical Works Of Robert Browning....

(Smith and Elder.)—In this volume, which contains several of Mr. Browning's best poems, some are included which we cer- tainly would not have given a place in it. For instance,......

A Very Opal. By C. L. Pirkis. (hurst And Blackett.)—the

fashion of Shakespearean titles is being carried to excess. Unknown or little known sentences aro affixed to novels, and have for the general public, who ought not to be......

Uncle Grumpy, And Other Plays. By Robert St. John Corbet.

(Samuel Tinsley.)—Mr. Corbet enumerates the merits of his plays (meant for " juvenile actors and actresses ") upon the title-page. They are " abort, original, easily learnt,......

Pious Frauds. By Albany De Fonblanque. (richard Bentley...

the author had excluded all the mystery, which is not mysterious, from the plot of Pious Frauds, ho might have made that novel more readable, as well as more rational, than it......

African Pets. By F. Clinton Parry. (griffith And...

a bright and witty account of various pets, monkeys, birds, &o., which the writer kept somewhere in Cape Colony, supplemented by stories about " Some Dogs I Have Known," and......

Current Literature.

The Early Years of .Tohn, Calvin. A Fragment, 1509-1536. By the Rev. Thomas M'Crie, D.D. Edited by William Ferguson. (David Douglas.)—The ground traversed by Mr. M'Crie has been......