26 APRIL 1986, page 37

An Elusive Sitter

John Jolliffe JOHN SINGER SARGENT: HIS PORTRAIT by Stanley Olson Macmillan, £16.95 S argent was born in Florence in 1856. His parents, who came from Philadelphia, had settled......

Recent Children's Books

John Horder I for one certainly won't read Roald Dahl's latest masterpiece, Dirty Beasts, (Puffin, £2.50) over and over again. Yet it has its charms. Roald Dahl is like some......

Not As Black As He Paints Us

Patrick Skene Catling EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN by James Baldwin Michael Joseph, f8.95 J ames . Baldwin's latest polemic scolding, If you let it, could make you feel guilty......