26 APRIL 1997, page 29

Sir: In Her Haste To Poke Fun At The 'antics'

of the BEF (Letters, 12 April), Alice von Schlieffen has peddled one moth-eaten myth, that the BEF from 1914 to 1918 was led by a cabal of cavalrymen'. Of the army commanders in......

Otto's Story

Sir: Hugh Trevor-Roper should be congrat- ulated on his excellent article about Otto John ('Why Otto John defected thrice', 12 April). While I was Daily Telegraph corre-......

Diplomatic Response

Sir: Petronella Wyatt invites me to com- ment (Another voice, 29 March) on a frag- ment of a letter written in 1763 by a Vene- tian woman complaining about Venetian men. Ms......

Keep It In The Family

Sir: It would be easy and satisfying to reply in kind to Paul Johnson's personal attack (And another thing, 19 April), but I will not do so. I have always been rather fond of Mr......