26 AUGUST 1989, page 20

Hong Kong Water

Sir: Despite the attraction at first sight of C. D. Howard-Johnston's plan (Letters, 22 July) to maintain the stocks of Hong Kong water if the supplies from the mainland were......

Hong Kong Deserts

Sir: There is plenty of comment in The Spectator concerning British policy in Hong Kong, but none about Hong Kong's policy to Britain. Hong Kong's attack on the Lancashire......

Dean Waugh

Sir: On reading Mr Auberon Waugh's splendid article on the success of the National Trust and the declining fortunes of the Anglican Church (Another voice, 22 July), I wondered......

Green Party Popper

Sir: Auberon Waugh's ultimate utopian society (Another voice, 12 August), in which no one succumbs to Green, socialist, nationalist or any other utopian creed, can best be......

Letters Offensive Books

Sir: Paul Johnson (The press, 17 June) suggests a 'compromise': suppress the Rushdie book and hand over the money, if the ayatollahs suppress their incitements to riot .and......

One Hundred Years Ago

HUMOURS OF THE BENCH ITO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, — The Scotch Bailie who made such a charming jumble of a "bountiful Providence" — health and strength, and......