26 DECEMBER 1958, page 5

Threnody In Blue

By our Industrial Correspondent El ROM now until the next Trades Union jr Congress in September, the National Amal- gamated Stevedores and Dockers, a determined little......

A Spectator's Notebook

CUNNING PORNOGRAPHERS can keep well within the law. Less careful ones, judging by the ease with which dirty books and booklets can be obtained by those who want them, have no......

One Of The Reasons Put Forward By Labour Mps For

an inquiry into the Suez war is that Sir Anthony Eden will shortly be giving his version of events and this will give the Government an advantage at the general election. But if......

The Idea That All Would Have Been Well If The

Anglo-French forces had reached the end of the Canal is escapist nonsense, but it is less incredible than another idea of Mr. Head's. 'Sir Anthony Eden,' he told the Commons,......

There Is Much To Be Said For Mr. Christopher Shawcross's

suggestion that what have come ominously to be known as 'committal proceedings' before magistrates should be done away with, subject to the option of the accused person to......

What Would Have Happened If We Had Continued Until All

the Canal had been occupied? Even if the Russians had not joined in with 'volunteers' or rockets, and even if the country had not gone • bankrupt, we should still have been in a......