26 JUNE 1936, page 3

For All Their Resounding Triumph In The Division Lobby, The

Government will have to go very carefully if they arc not going permanently to alienate the eleven million who voted in the Peace Ballot and possess therefore a voting strength......

The Prime Minister Dealt With The Pacifist Dilemma Of The

Labour Party very effectively when he said, with reference to the launching of the great campaign on the Government record on the League of Nations—" all that I want to say to......

Labour Speakers Were Severely Handicapped By The Fact...

were driven to take up a defensive attitude on their armament record. It was clear both from the speeches of Front Benchers and Back Benchers that the Labour Party are finding......

The I.r.a. Suppressed Englishmen Will Welcome The...

Irish Republican Army as another step in Mr. de Valera's evolution from violence to legality. The I.R.A. repre- sents the Republic of the 1916 Dublin rising, which Mr. de Valera......

Liberals Reorganise It Is Difficult Yet To Assess The Value

of the Liberal Party Conference held in London last week. In numbers and enthusiasm it came near creating a record, and the reorganisation scheme—providing for an assembly, a......

The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...

Government rather unexpectedly had much the best of the day in the Censure debate on sanctions. It was a wise move to put up Sir John Simon to deliver the main counter-attack.......

The Girl Pat ' The Astonishing Voyage Of The 'girl

Pat' has ended as mysteriously as it began. After ten weeks' absence from Grimsby and a voyage of 5,000 miles her crew are still alive and well, and on Tuesday they attended the......