26 JUNE 1982, page 21

Hacking On

Sir: Max Hastings's discovery of the verb `to hack' (22 May) reminds me of my first encounter with the verb. Some years ago, while travelling on a crowded commuter train to New......

A Name For An Effect

Sir: Mr Anthony Gilbey writes (Letters 12 June) that he was profoundly irritated by the coincidence of the shift made by French radio from reference to 'Port Stanley' to......

Not Private

Sir: To say that Tony Crosland was educated 'at a private school in Highgate', as A. N. Wilson does in the review of Susan Crosland's recent biography (12 June), sug- gests that......

Insult To Anglicans

Sir: Anglicans today must be all but im- munised from the almost perpetual belittle- ment of their church and its leaders, mostly by writers who betray that their criticism is......


Fishy tale Sir: May I be allowed to add a footnote to the 'Fishy tale' (Letters, 12 June) about the Surrealist Exhibition of 1936 in Burlington House, which I well remember? My......

Sir: Your Gringo Reporter Mr Simon Cour- Tauld Smugly...

(5 June) that there is no attempt in the Spanish press at giving the castellano of Goose Green. Were he reading El Alcazar as carefully as he pretends he would have seen Ganso......