26 MARCH 1881, page 1

M. Gambetta Has Gained Another Great Success. It Is Pro-

bable that the President of the Republic was never so bitter against the Scrutin do Liste as the correspondents represented ; but, at all events, he found that his Cabinet were......

The Accounts From Constantinople Are Becoming More Eon-...

ever. According to some authorities, the Turks have agreed to cede all Thessaly, and to give Crete in exchange for Epirus, hoping that as this arrangement recognises the......

Mr. Gladstone On Monday Made Some Important Announce-...

to the progress of business. The obstruction to which he referred last week as an "evil dream" which had passed, is still absent, and work rapidly progresses. Ho, therefore,......

There Is, As We Have Shown Elsewhere, No Dishonour In

the . settlernetft. It may be bad policy in a schoolmaster to let off an unruly boy, but his honour is not in question. The Boers, in dispersing, do all that is required to......

The New Czar Has As Yet Done Nothing Beyond Recalling

General Skobeleff, and the Russian Court is absorbed in the great ceremonial of the interment of the late Czar. The body is to be laid in the Cathedral, with a most impressive......

News Of The Week.

T HE Transvaal War is over. After a long conference on the 21st inst., between Sir Evelyn Wood, Mr. Joubert, and President Brand, the Boer leaders agreed to the final terms......

4 * * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...
