26 MAY 1888, page 24

Sewage Treatment, Purification, And Utilisation. By J. W....

and Co.)—The importance of the sewage question may be gauged by the number of patents issued ; the hopelessness of a solution seems indicated by the absurdity of many of them.......

Life On The Congo. By The Rev. H. Holman Bentley.

(Religious Tract Society.)—Mr. Bentley, who is working for the Baptist Mission, describes with an effective simplicity the life with which Christian enterprise has to deal on......

Modern Hinduism. By W. J. Wilkins. (t. Fisher Unwin.)—...

of Hindoo Life. By Devendra N. Das, B.A. (Chapman and Hall.)—These two volumes should be read together. Mr. Wilkins, who is a missionary of large experience, limits his account......