26 OCTOBER 1861, page 1

Party Organization Produces One Surely Very Unique...

of joy at the prospect of finding income too little for expen- diture. The Tory papers of the week have derived quite a plea- surable excitement from the apparent deficiency in......

Lord Stanley Has Declared In Favour Of The Revised Education

Code, and we note many signs of reaction upon the subject. The educated class seem determined that reading and writing shall be made indis- pensable to aid from the State, and......

The Convention Between The Three Powers Who Propose To...

order on Mexico, is not yet signed, but its details are all arranged. The strong objections which exist to imposing any form of govern- ment on a free population have been met,......

News Of The Week.

T HE political speeches of the week have been few and compara- tively unimportant. Lord John Manners, at Leicester, has made a strong Tory speech, pointing with exultation to......

It Is A Curious Symptom Of The Temporary Activity Of

the reactionary party in Russia, that M. Herzen, the editor of the proscribed Russian paper published in London, called the Kolokol (or Bell) — which is circulated privately far......

The King Of Prussia Was Crowned At Konigsberg On The

17th instant.......

The Paris Correspondent Of The Times Affirms That A Trappist

has solved the question of the electric light. He has made it regular, and reduced its production below the cost of gas. Abbaye Grace has already been lighted with it, and......

The Controversy On The Merit Of The Armstrong Gun Continues

to rage. It is said to be too delicate a machine for the rough work of a campaign. If the vent pegs are left loose they blow out, and if fixed they shatter in pieces. At some......

It Is Stated With Confidence That The Solution Of The

Roman ques- tion is once again postponed. M. Benedetti, French Minister at Turin, has returned to that capital without instructions, and the Pope has another lease. There is......