26 OCTOBER 1889, page 2

M. Ferry Has Published A Long Reply To Signor...

France quite friendly to Italy, and denying that be intrigued with Prince Bismarck to obtain Tunis. France had always intended to take Tanis, and, in fact, settled it with......

The County Council On Friday Week Decided The Dispute As

to the music-halls in a rather unexpectedly sensible manner. A test vote was taken on the renewal of a licence to the Trocadero, and the Council by a vote of 81 to 34 renewed it......

To The Question : Has The Irish Policy Of The

Government been a success P—Mr. Balfour gave no uncertain answer. " Every expectation which in my most sanguine moments I ever ventured to frame with regard to the results, the......

Speaking In Aberdeen On Tuesday, At A Meeting Held Under

the auspices of the Scottish Liberal Association, Sir George Trevelyan attacked the representation of the Universities, on the ground that Oxford had not elected Mr. Bryce, and......

The German Reichstag Was Opened On October 22nd In A

speech, read by a Commissioner, the interest of which consists in heavy new demands for the Army and Navy, and in the announcement that Germany is to have a separate Colonial......

King Louis Of Portugal Died At 11 A.m. On Saturday,

at the age of fifty-one, after a reign of twenty-eight years. He was• a well-meaning King, not illiberal, who had some ability for choosing competent advisers. His Kingdom......

Greece Is A Little State, But It May Have A

future, and its present King, being the brother of the Princess of Wales and of the Empress of Russia, has very grand connections. His heir, -therefore, has been allowed to......