26 OCTOBER 1907, page 2

Lord Claud Hamilton, The Chairman Of The Great Eastern...

who presided at the recent Conference of the heads of the great railway companies, has issued a manifesto on behalf of his own company which puts the directors' case very......

Lord Rosebery Made Three Speeches In Glasgow On Wednes- Day.

In the first, at the luncheon given to the delegates attending the Annual Conference of the Scottish Chamber of Agriculture, be delivered, as the honorary president of the......

Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Addressed A Public Meeting...

Tuesday evening in defence of the Govern- ment. No anti-Socialist could possibly object to the Prime Minister's statement that the true Imperial policy was to give strength,......

The Daily Chronicle Of Monday Publishes An Interesting...

Mr. Abe Bailey, the well-known South African capitalist. On the whole, Mr. Bailey is distinctly optimistic. Much useful work has already been done by the new Parlia- ment, he......

Mr. Asquith Addressed A Liberal Meeting At Ladybank On...

last, and dealt at length with " the relation, actual or supposed, between Liberalism and Socialism." The Tory papers, said Mr. Asquith, suggested that the only course open to......

On Monday Mr. Morley Made An Important Speech On Indian

affairs at Arbroath. He defended himself against the charge that be had abandoned his Liberal principles, and declared that, in spite of all criticism by his friends, he held......

We Cannot See What Is The Objection To Recognising The

Union for what it is worth. Why is it necessary to assume that recognition must mean alldwing the Union officials to speak for those who do not belong to their Society, or......

Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Next Proceeded To Defend His...

the House of Lords, and indignantly repudiated the notion that the Liberal Party proposed to abolish the Second Chamber. " We leave the Second Chamber to its truest functions......