26 OCTOBER 1945, page 2

Regulation 23

Miss Wilkinson, the Minister for Education, with the Govern- ment's overwhelming majority at her back, on October t8th rejected the Prayer, based on every consideration of......

News Of The Week

T HE Anglo-American financial discussions in Washington keep "running into difficulties," as Lord Halifax said to the. Press last Saturday ; by this week, however, there......

The Pace Of Demobilisation

The domination of the debate on demobilisation in the House of Commons on Monday by Mr. Churchill was overwhelming. The Minister of Labour was quite unequal to dealing with the......

Austria And Hungary

Hungary has provided yet another example of the growing diffi- culty of Allied collaboration. Great Britain and the United States have now formally protested against the......

St. Peron

When, on October loth, Colonel Peron was forced to resign by an ultimatum from the commander of the Campo del Mayo garrison, considerable satisfaction was felt in the United......