26 SEPTEMBER 1925, page 29

Current Literature

Mosr writers on Wagner's operas treat them almost exclusively from the musical point of view, as Mr. Leroy points out. Hence there is still room for a book emphasizing their......

Introducing London. By E. V. Lucas. (methuen. 2s. Exl.) Tins

little guide-book is very well named It is not intended for Londoners but for the man who is a " stranger in these parts." It is literally an introduction—not the beginning of......

The Spanish Main

Islands : West Indian, Aegean. By Sir Arthur E. Shipley (Martin Hopkinson. 6s. net.) The West Indies, with British Guiana and British Honduras. By George Mannington. (Parsons.......


Epitaphs : Graveyard Humour and Eulogy. By W. H. Beable. (Simpkin. 6e.) AN anthology of epitaphs makes curious reading. One would think that, in the presence of death, authors......

Songs Of The Gardens. Edited By Peter Warlock. (the Nonesuch

Press. 21s. net.) IT was a happy thought to make an anthology of the songs that were sung at Vauxhall, Ranelagh, Marylebone and Sadler's Wells during the latter half of the......

A Wayfarer In Czec110-slovakia. By E. L Robson. (methuen And

Co. 7a. 6d.) A WAYFARER IN CZEC110-SLOVAKIA. By E. L Robson. (Methuen and Co. 7a. 6d.) MIS should prove a good practical guide-book to a country whose new name has lately......