26 SEPTEMBER 1952, page 15

After Harvest

It is " after harvest " now, and they are doing those things about the farms that are done when harvest is in and the rickyard tidy, the Dutch barn full. " Time to have a wander......

Potting-up Cuttings

For potting-up cuttings, use a light sandy soil containing a good proportion of grit. When the cuttings are in, do not water too lavishly or damping-off will result,......

Country Life

EXPERIENCE should have taught me to keep away from bees, for, with the best will in the world to remain calm and keep my arms still, I always reach a point where I must drive......

Worm And Fly

For a long time I kept my eye on the two men who were perched on a rock and screened by trees on the other side of the lake, a place among the best in Wales for its trout. There......

Wild Duck Walking Across The Boggy Ground, We Found It

impossible to see the lake, for it was fringed with grass and reeds, Nit as we got nearer there was a great commotion among the reeds. Thirty or forty mallards rose, swung round......