27 APRIL 1929, page 19

The Portland Vase.

Referring to the present discussion of the removal, and probable sale, of the famous " Portland Vase," I have a replica made by " Wedgwood " over sixty years ago, and wonder if......

" Darling " In Shakespeare.

From Bartlett's Concordance it appears that Shakespeare uses the word " darling " only eight times in his , works. In four of the eight cases human beings are clearly referred......

Points From Letters The General Election And Voting By...

In the business affairs of many large firms, it is the custom to consult the shareholders, before any important matter likely to affect their interests is carried out. This is......

The U.s.a. And Debts. .

I suggest that before Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Churchill go to the country with criticisms of Mr. Snowden, they should pluck up courage and make a formal request to the American......

National Association Of Boys' Clubs.

Fortified with the cheque for £1,000 which we have just received from the Prince of . Wales, may we take adVantage of the sympathy and interest you have shown in our cause to......

Pro Bono Publico.

Last week I visited the remains of Vents. Silurum, at Caerwent. Might I suggest in your columns that it is high time something was done to make these important ruins accessible......


To an Orchard Near London ('' This Land to be Sold in Building Plots.") Broom passionately, 0 apple-trees, this spring ; - Drink deep of the April sun, the April rain, That this......

An Example Of The Inferiority Complex.

The statesmanlike ruling " of the President of the Indian Legislative Assembly in respect of the discussion of the Public Safety Bill inspired reflections as to what would be......

A Hundred Years Ago

For a simple soiree, I recommend some sandwiches of fowl, of ham, of veal, of tongue, &c., some plates of pastry, and here and there on the table some baskets of fruit. These,......