27 AUGUST 1859, page 2


Tin Qnrrs visited Aldershott on Monday, and stayed that night in the camp—occupying the Royal Pavilion as usual. The troops were en- gaged on Monday in throwing up entrenchments......

The Russian And The Indian Government Have Both Appeared In

our Money Market as applicants for money, and have both enjoyed a higher degree of favour than they could have obtained some time since. An Indian loan of 5 per cent has been......

Hr Vrtrupulto.

The new building in Gravel Lane, Southwark,—the Royal Albert Institution, recently constructed by the exertions of the Reverend Joseph Brown, rector of Christ Church,......

Certain Of The Irish Bishops Have Put Forward A Pastoral

ad- dress which is the flag of a new agitation of a reactionary order. The subject is not quite new, but the text of their pastoral ad- dress is now before us, and it more than......

The Colonization And Settlement Of India.

The Report of the Select Committee on this subject just issued amounts to little more than a resume of the opinions of the witnesses examined. These generally state, that......