27 AUGUST 1887, page 2

The Convict Lipeki Was Hanged At Newgate On Monday, An

immense crowd waiting outside to see the black flag hoisted. On Saturday last, Mr. Matthews held a conference at the Home Office, Mr. Justice Stephen being present, at which it......

Mr. Chamberlain Further Praised The Government For Its...

Bill, for its Mines Regulation Bill, and for its Allotments Bill. He very emphatically condemned the obstructive resistance to the last-named Bill, and declared himself as......

Some English Fishing-smacks And Their Crews Have, During...

week, been subjected to very severe ill-usage by the fishermen of Ostend. The local authorities seem to have done all in their power to protect the Englishmen ; but so serious......

Mr. Jacob Bright's Presence In The Rotunda Was Important...

on account of his great name. It was hardly decent, we think, to show so publicly how utterly he separates himself from the policy of the brother who has made the name of Bright......

The Quarrel Between The Province Of Manitoba And The...

of Canada is, considered on its merits, a very per- plexing one. We have alluded elsewhere to the lesson it teaches as to the dangers of subordinate Legislative Assemblies.......

Ayoub Khan, The Son Of Shere Ali, And A Claimant

for the throne of Afghanistan, has escaped from Teheran, and is supposed to be at large either in Russia or on his way to Herat. Whether be has heard of the difficulties of......

The Members Of The Various Branches Of The National Radical

Union at Birmingham were invited to a garden-party at Highbnry on Saturday last, and were there addressed by Mr. Chamberlain, who made a gallant defence of the Irish Crimes Act,......

The Election In North Hunts Is Likely To Be A

very lively affair. Lord Esmd Gordon, the Marquis of Huntly, and other hearty Liberal Unionists have confided to the constituency their utter disapproval of the Home-rule policy......

The Demonstration In The Dublin Rotunda On Tuesday...

proclamation of the National League was a very funny one. Mr. Cobb (M.P. for the Rugby district of Warwick. shire) was the first English speaker. The National League, he said, "......

The Situation In Bulgaria Remains As Threatening As Ever....

Ferdinand has made his public entry into Sofia, and has been greeted with a certain amount of enthusiasm by the people and the Army ; but the difficulties of his position become......