27 FEBRUARY 1892, page 3

A Great Disaster Is Said To Be Hanging Over The

coal trade. The coalowners have lately made such low profits, that they ask the men to submit to a reduction of wages. The men will not, and say that the price must be raised on......

The Chancellor Of The Exchequer, Speaking At Epsom On...

referred to the " safeguards " in the Irish Local Government Bill as precautions which it had become their absolute duty to adopt in consequence of the warnings they had......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 9q.......

Collegiate Oxford, On The Whole, Objects To Display Any Deep

personal interest in a man who became a Roman Catholic and persuaded others to become Roman Catholics ; so the committee formed to perpetuate the memory of Cardinal Newman has,......

A Rather Curious Professional Case Was Decided This Week In

the Queen's Bench Division. The proprietors of the Times were dissatisfied with Mr. Lowe, lately their correspondent at Berlin, substantially for "taking too much upon himself,"......

Mr. Morley Made A Great Effort At Reading On Wednesday

to sustain his very rash and violent judgment on the Irish Local Government Bill. We have always thought such a Bill inopportune, and should not at all regret its postpone- ment......

Canon Scott-holland's " Open Letter" On The Subject Of The

elections for the London County Council, commences ad- mirably with insisting that to require high personal character in the representatives is the most important of all the......

Sir Henry James Made A Very Able Speech At St.

James's Hall on Wednesday, against the programme of the "Pro- gressive " candidates for the London County Council. He was not, he said, opposed to all their proposals, for he......