27 JULY 1844, page 9

It Is Well Known That King Louis Philippe Has Promised

to pay her Majesty a visit this autumn. It is now understood that his Majesty will embark at Treport, in the month of September, for this country. His Majesty will be......


A public meeting was held at Edinburgh, on Thursday week, to de- cide what the political creed of the future Members for the city should be ; those who called the meeting......


Lord Heytesbury was expected to arrive in Dublin yesterday morn- ing. After some deliberation, the Lord Mayor and the Municipal au- thorities had determined to welcome their new......

_foreign Anb

FRANCE.—In the Chamber of Deputies, on Saturday, the budget of receipts was voted, by 209 to 39 ; thus bringing the sessional labours of the assembly to a close. Two important......