27 JULY 1889, page 1

Since The Royal Wedding Is Only Solemnised To-day, It Is

impossible for us to do more than chronicle the preparations. The ceremony takes place in the chapel of Buckingham Palace, an old conservatory converted by the Prince Consort to......

The Subject Of Royal Grants Has At Once Perplexed The

Government and ground the Opposition to powder. The Government had originally proposed to say that the precedents of George HI.'s reign would authorise - the Sovereign in......

The Situation, Therefore, Stands Thus : That The...

on recognising the Queen's abstract right to apply for more grants, while they record the waiver of that right; that Kr. Gladstone objects to recognise it, but otherwise votes......

* * The Editors Cannot Undertake Tofreturn Manuscript, In...

case. a......

During The Past Week The Condition Of Crete Has Been

rapidly growing more serious, and on Friday the Vienna correspondent of the Times telegraphed that the revolt was spreading over the whole island. The inhabitants seem in two......

News Of The Week.

T HE military situation on the Nile is better than it was a week ago. It is now certain, if ever uncertain, that the Dervishes have been sent by the Khartoum Khalifa, and conse-......