27 JULY 1907, page 3

The House Of Commons Has During The Week Been Chiefly

occupied with the Evieted Tenants Bill, with, a not very im- portant personal incident (also from Ireland), and with the details of Irish Supply. On Wednesday the Prime......

In The House Of Lords On Thursday The Archbishop Of

Canterbury, in a speech of great moderation, and also of great lucidity, showed how unfair and bow impracticable were the new regulations for Training Colleges. Churchmen were......

We Greatly Regret To Learn That The Board Of Education

has intimated to the Kent Education Committee that rifle. shooting is not a subject which it will permit to be taught to children in elementary schools. The Board, therefore,......

We Cannot Find Space To Go Into This Intricate And

difficult matter in detail, but may say that in our opinion the Arch- bishop made good his case. We have dealt elsewhere with the general aspects of the question, and the......

On Friday Week, July 19th, Lord Roberts Addressed A Crowded

meeting at Guildford in furtherance of the aims of the National Service League. Nothing could have been plainer or more straightforward than Lord Roberts's repudia- tion of the......

Mr. Vivian, M.p., Well Known For The Admirable Work He

has done in connexion with the housing problem on co-operative lines, has made a most spirited reply to the General Council of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners,......

It Was Announced On Saturday Last That Sir George Syden-

ham Clarke, the very able soldier who was one of the Com- mission of three which made the plan for the reconstitution of the War Office, and who since then has been secretary to......

The Wesleyan Conference Has Been In Session During The Past

week, and the country has once more had first-hand evidence of how world-wide and how strong is the great spiritual organisa- tion founded by John Wesley. The Wesleyan Church is......
