27 MARCH 1852, page 14

The One Pennyworth Of Bread.

ALL parties agree that some preparation is needful to place the country in a state of effective defence—the late Ministers said so, their victor Lord Palmerston said so, and so......

Crystal : Palace In The Condemned " Sell"

A LAST attempt is made to save the Crystal Palace. It is thrown open to the public ; petitions in its favour court the signatures of the crowds that visit it ; letters appear in......

A Paris Fable Of P A Tx Ale.

M. PATEN, lecturing at the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers of Paris, has laid before the public a statement which must be highly consoling to the French mind under certain......

Fallacies Of Fiscal Government. •

AN episode in the Hop debate, this week, was the occasion for stringing together a series of popular fallacies on the subject of financial legislation. The spokesman was Mr.......