27 MARCH 1926, page 41

The Old Man's Wife. By C. E. Lawrence. (john Murray.

7s. 6d. net.)-The subject is revealed by the title. A yeoman farmer has married his servant. Ann, the wife, is an attractive figure, and the tragedy of her accusation and trial......

Nell Gwyn. By Marjorie Bowen. (hodder And Stough- Ton. 3s.

6d. net.)-Miss Marjorie Bowen's rather sombre talent seems hardly adapted to the portrayal of the Court of the Restoration, and especially to the life of the light-hearted......

The Masted Grange. By Katharine Tynan. (collins. 7s, 6d....

Mrs. Tynan should embark upon a thrilling story combining crime with the supernatural will be astonish ing to those many readers who look on her books as a safe and soothing......

The Last Day. By Beatrice Kean Seymour. (chapman And Hall.

7s. 6d. net)-This is a clever and mordant analysis of the character of a complete egotist. Hermione Graham, the central figure, would be, were she not so self-occupied, a......


A SKITTISH EDITOR Friends of Mr. Sweeney. By Elmer Davis. (Methuen. 75. 6d.) THIS is a sparkling and " snappy " novel, though it should be premised that it displays the morality......

The Great Perhaps. By Rita. (hutchinson. 7s. 6d.)- There Is

no necessity to explain to lovers of cricket what is meant by the batsman"S " blind spot." This is, of course, so near his sight that the ball is practically invisible. The same......

Other Novels

The Laughing Heart. By Beatrice Sheepshanks. (Selwyn and Blount. 7s. 6d.)-This is a decidedly interesting novel, though the reader will ask himself in vain to whom the laughing......

Books Recommended

LrrEn.ATLTRE :-The Letters of Bret Harte. Edited by Geoffrey ners. 10s. 6d.)-London Revisited (Revised). By E. V. Lucas. (Methuen. 10s. 6d.)-The South Wales Squires. By H. M.......

The Recreations Of London

FILMS. • BOBBED HAIR.-A curious film that scerns just a fark, but is really quite intelligent and original. Couriille of Hatt's HIGHROAD.-Ceeil B. de Mille, the Mr. de the......