27 NOVEMBER 1953, page 24

The Great Headmaster

Dr. Arnold of Rugby. By Norman Wymer. (Robert Hale. 21s.) WHEN in 1827 Thomas Arnold stood for the headmastership of Rugby, he offered himself as a candidate with some......

Leopardi • Leopardi. A Study In Solitude. By Iris Origo.

(Hamish Hamilton. 21s.) SINCE the first edition of this book was published in 1935, much new material has come to light, including three more volumes of Leo- pardi's......

Borrow The Gypsy

Gypsy Borrow. By Brian Vesey-FitzGerald. (Dobson. 15s.) MR. VESEY-FITZGERALD is a biographer with a purpose. Unlike more consciously literary biographers, he is not merely......