27 NOVEMBER 1993, page 35

Margaret Forster

I hardly ever read autobiographies — well, usually a load of cunningly crafted lies, don't you think? — but Jill Tweedie's Eating Children (Viking, £15.99) attracted me and I......

Anthony Blond

Sarah Toynbee, one of six sisters of that intelligent ilk, has compiled The Penguin Book of Games (£4.50), mainly for grown- ups, which are variously cruel, sexy, boister- ous......

Frederic Raphael

Two books, each horrifying in its own way, rest in my memory, Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning (HarperCollins, £7.99) recounts in laconic detail the activi- ties of Reserve......

Paul Johnson

John Davies' A History of Wales (Allen Lane/Penguin £30) is a learned, thorough, unvainglorious, sensitive and subtle book, originally written in Welsh. It contains everything......

G. Cabrera Infante

Fidel Castro by Robert E. Quirk (W. W. Norton, $35). The definitive biography of Castro and his regime. Or all you wanted to know about the Maximum Leader and were afraid of......

Cressida Connolly

Blake Morrison's And When Did You Last See Your Father? (Granta, £1499) is partly a record of his own childhood and youth, partly an agonisingly unsparing account of his......

John Mcewen

The Great Age of Watercolour by Andrew Wilton and Anne Lyles (Prestel, £48). Superb memento of a wonderful exhibition which should be produced every time someone says the......

John Osborne

Having cast it aside myself, I seem to have spent most of the year readin g autobiography. Streets ahead of the pack is Dirk Bogarde's A Short Walk from Harrods (Vikin g ,......