28 APRIL 1877, page 3

Another Letter By The Dean Of St. Paul's (dr. Church)

to the Archbishop of Canterbury has been published, respecting the wish to see the legislative power of Convocation substituted for the elaborate historical disquisitions of the......

W. Benson And Four Confederates Were On Monday Found Guilty

of forging cheques in order to further a scheme for plundering a French lady, Madame de Goncourt, of /10,000. They appointed her agent of a non-existent person, Mr. Andrew......

Consols Were On Friday 93; To 94.


President Hayes Has Finally Removed The United States'...

New Orleans, and the remaining members of the Republican State Legislature therefore deserted to the Democratic Legisla- ture, leaving the Governor almost alone in the State......

A Meeting Of The London Clergy Was Held In The

library of Lambeth Palace on Monday, April 23, to discuss the reform of the methods of charitable relief. And a very indistinct discussion it was. Two resolutions were declared......

The Queen Has Directed That The Albert Medal, Now Given

for -gallant actions at sea, should be given also for such actions on land, and be distributed first of all to those engaged in the rescue of the miners at Pontypridd. One of......

The , Duke Of Richmond And Gordon Has Not Had

a success , with,bis Burials Bill. Of course, he carried the second reading, but it was only by a majority of 39 (141 against 102), and severatof the Conservative Peers......

The Old Bat Tle Of The Professorships And Tntorships Was...

over again tin Thursday night, on occasion of the motion for going into C, 'ilea tee on the Oxford and Cambridge Universities' withou, t, result, though-the discussion showed a......