28 AUGUST 1897, page 26

The Stv.dy Of The Sky. By Herbert A. Howe. (macmillan

and Co.)—This volume, dedicated to "hundreds of pupils," contains, we suppose, some of Professor Howe's lectures. The style is sometimes, as, for instance, in the descrip- tion......

Francesca Ho2steacl. By Reginald St. Barbe. (digby And...

"Tale of San Remo" gives the familiar properties of melodrama rearranged and amidst surroundings that have a certain novelty. Mr. St. Barba takes a long time to tell his story,......

Dinah Fleet. By John Hill And G. F. Bacon. (downey

and Co.)—Dick Rippon, who does not care to follow the paternal occu- pation of corn-dealing, goes up to London to take a place in a pepper and tea business. Pepper and tea do......

Richard Cobden And The Jubilee Of Free - Trade. With...

by Richard Gowing. (T. Fisher Unwin.)—This volume contains four papers and the highly interesting reply of Mr. C. P. 'Villiers, the survivor of the Free-trade leaders of 1846,......

The Lambs. By William Carew Hazlitt. (e. Mathews.)—mr....

taken a world of pains in hunting out the "new particulars and new material" which have been collected in this volume. We can easily imagine that the search has been a great......

A Corner Of Old Cornwall. By Mrs. John Bonham. (the

Unicorn Press.)—The picturesque effects of this book—and they are many and varied—axe brought about, it seems, without any effort. There is no striving for effect, there is no......

Cousin Jem. By Is. Higgin. (hurst And Blackett.)—if There...

nothing else of merit in this story, it would be entitled to rank well among its contemporaries on account of the admirable study of Beryl, one of the Becky Sharp genus, and its......

His Cousin's Wife. By "alva." (ward And Downey.)—it Seems...

that this story would never have been written but for "The Giant's Robe" and "The Silence of Dean Maitland." Theodore Mainwaring, suddenly confronted by the necessity of having......

Publications Of The Week.

Anderson (Mary), Tales of the Rock, cr Svo (Downey) 3/0 Aubrey (F.), A Studio Mystery (Daffodil Library), 12mo (Jerrold) 1/6 Barker (H. J.), Scarlet Feather, or 8vo (Griffith &......