28 FEBRUARY 1891, page 2

Yet The Greater Part Of Mr. Gladstone's Own Speech, Which

was a very remarkable one, would not have led up to a vote in favour of Mr. Pritchard Morgan's motion in any mind less singularly organised than Mr. Gladstone's. The latter part......

The Canadian Elections Will Have Been Held Before Our Next

issue appears, the day fixed being Thursday, March 5th. As yet, no one in the Dominion appears confident of the result,. which depends to a great degree on the votes of a......

On The Women's Franchise Question, Mr. Chamberlain...

had now distinctly made up his mind that a. women's franchise would benefit neither women nor men. In 1876 or 1877, he had once voted for the women's franchise r in deference to......

Mr. Pritchard Morgan's Resolution In Favour Of The Dis-...

of the Church in Wales was seconded yester- day week by Mr. Dillwyn, and rejected by a majority of only 32 (235 against 203) in a House that was not as well attended as the......

Lord Randolph Churchill Made One Of His Clever Speeches To

his constituents of South Paddington, this day week, at the Norfolk Hotel. He said that Lord Melbourne or some other Liberal Premier had defined an independent Member as a......

Mr. Chamberlain, Too, Made An Interesting Speech This Day...

on occasion of the first anniversary of the foundation of the Birmingham Liberal Union Club,—of which he was unanimously re-elected President. Mr. Chamberlain spoke. with......

Lord Wolmer Is A Useful Limn. He Is Going To

propose a Royal Commission to inquire into fogs, and the possibility of preventing them. It is quite possible, as everybody knows, to turn them into mists, if only Londoners......