28 JANUARY 1899, page 17

News Of The Week.

T HE relations between England and France are much less strained. Both in Paris and London the Foreign Offices are in earnest conference with diplomatists, and it is rumoured......

The News From Macedonia Is Alarming. The Revolutionary...

Sofia have issued an Address to the Powers, in which they distinctly threaten that unless Macedonia is occupied by Christian troops they will, by rising in insurrec- tion, give......

The American Senate, Which We Take To Be Next To

the Diet of Frankfort the slowest deliberative body that ever existed, intends, it is said, to ratify the Treaty with Spain on February 6th. It is time it should, for the......

Count Ifuravieff's Official Circular Of Invitation To The...

hold a Conference in order to prevent the increase of armaments has now appeared. We gave its substance accurately last week, including the still unex- plained proposal to put a......

The New Tone Strongly Marked The Debate In The French

Chamber on Monday and Tuesday. Though the subject was the Fashoda incident, no one attacked England or went beyond the language of regret. M. Ribot, formerly Premier, only......

• • * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In

any case.......

L I B K- Ithr *prim A Riu

No. 3,683.3 rusceitizaalla ) . WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1899. ip:= 8 =',. TOM TILL......

Notice.—with This Week's " Spisctator N Is Issued, Gratis, A