28 JANUARY 1911, page 37

Shelley's Poems Of 1820. Edited, With Introduction And...

A. M. D. Hughes. (The Clarendon Press. 8s. 6d.)—The volume of 1820 contained "Prometheus Unbound," and nine miscellaneous poems, of which "The Sensitive Plant" and "To a,......

Some Books Of The Week.

[17ndsr this heading ws notice such Books of Da *Mit VI ham sot boot resereedfor revirte nt other forms.] A Proposed New Hymnal. Compiled by the Rev. Arthur Wollaston Hutton.......

If There Is Nothing New In The Political Article In

the Quarterly, "The General Election, and What Next ? " there is an emphatic and salutary repetition of some old truths. But the past may be dismissed ; we are more concerned......

Joseph And Arnold Toynbee. By Gertrude Toynbee. (henry J....

2s. 6d. net.)—Joseph Toynbee was an aurist of great reputation (he received the honour of F.R.S. in his twenty-seventh year and was called in to see Queen Victoria) ; Arnold......

The Quarterlies.

"Tan Political Predicament" is the title of the article in the Edinburgh which deals with current affairs, and it exactly describes the situation. "An unfortunate or trying......

Famous Impostors. By Bram Stoker. (sidgwick And Jackson....

net.)—The term "impostor" is practically extended to swindlers and pretenders of all kinds, and even to some persons whom it might be unfair to include in these classes. There......