28 JULY 1923, page 19

The Most Ingenious Of These Short Stories Is " The

Octave of Jealousy," for which " The Circle of Jealousy " might have been a better name. There are eight sections, inch concerned with the envious feelings of the subject of the......


Law Quarterly Review. Attention may be directed to an article by an American lawyer, Mr. Raymond G. Brown, of New York, on " Pro- hibition on the High Seas," which is designed......


SPHINX AND CO.* IT would be impossible to criticize Mr. Nichols's book of stories without a little preliminary discussion of the use of symbols. For Mr. Nichols has discovered......

London, 1923. (ward, Lock And Co. 2s. Net.)

An admirably arranged, accurate and up-to-date guide- book to London and its environs ; well illustrated with photographs and maps.......

To Adopt The Technical Language Of Miss Stern's New Story,

The Back Seat is an admirable light comedy in one act and two scenes. No better picture has ever been given of the state of mind of the successful actress who sees middle age......

December The 14th. By Dmitri Merezhkovsky. Translated By...

(Jonathan Cape. 7s. 6d.) It makes the realistic description of the death of the five conspirators all the more poignant when we remember that five Greek gentlemen were executed......

Guide Books.

Oxford. A Guide to its History and Topography. By G. It. Stirling Taylor. (Longmans. 48. net.) Mr. G. R. Stirling Taylor is to be congratulated on producing what will certainly......

The Bachelor Girl. By Victor Margueritte. Translated By...

(A. M. Philpot. 7s. 6d.) We have reason to believe that La Garonne is a serious book with a mission, but it is not a good novel, and the uplift " of the last chapter robs it of......