28 JUNE 1913, page 18

We Are Glad To Be Able To Record That The

latest news from the Balkans and the European capitals indicate that peace will be preserved. The Servian Skupshtina is meeting as we write, but there seems little doubt that it......

We Go Further And Say Not Only That The Law

of libel is the great antiseptic of the press, but that without it the press must lose the greater part of its influence and power. If there were no law of libel the press would......

We Contend That It Is Neither Good For Ministers, Nor

for Parliament, nor for the nation, for people to say, as they are now in danger of saying, " Nobody need trouble about an accusation if it was made in the House of Commons." In......

Mr. Rudyard Kipling Has A Fine Poem, " France," In

Tuesday's Morning Post. In memorable lines be traces the long rivalry that has ended in fraternal understanding :- " Spurred or baulked at every stride by the other's strength,......

Punch Has Never Shown A More Noteworthy Example Of Its

happy knack of focussing "the better opinion" of the nation on some important issue than in its current number. In the Epilogue to the hundred and forty-fourth volume, entitled......

We Note With Regret The Announcement That Mr. Lloyd George

has been obliged owing to indisposition to take a short holiday. In these circumstances we feel that it would not be right for the present to insist on his answering our......

In A Striking Letter In Monday's Times, Admiral Mahan, Who

spent a year in Japan in early life, deals with the friction between America and Japan. He readily admits that Japan has made good her claim to be regarded as one of the Great......

Admiral Mahan Thus Arrives At His Main Conclusions. It Is

not with him a question of racial superiority. Personally he entirely rejects any assumption or belief that his race is superior to the Chinese or to the Japanese. "My own suite......