28 MARCH 1914, page 12


I F the story of the Fall were to be rewritten to-day, the curse of Adam would be, we think, reversed. He would find himself outside Paradise—and out of work. A terrible fuss......

Th.e, Murder Of Caesar And The Proposed Murder Of Ulster..

Its rffs Enros or ran "Brzeraros.") Srn,—Have you noted how Shakespeare in Julius Caesar anticipated Mr. Churchill and Mr. Lloyd George ?— Brutus Brutus [Mr. Churchill at......

Ulster, The Government, And Shakespeare.

Ito TIM ED17011. 51 TH. SPROTASOR.n SIe,—What says Brutus to the conspirators in the play of Julius Caesar ? — " Our course will seem too bloody," do. And further on :- " And......

Letters To The Editor.

THE ULSTER QUESTION. [To ray Erns or ran "Bracraros."1 Sra,—It must be a complete misapprehension of the character of the people here which leads the Government to follow their......