28 MAY 1842, page 11

The Patriot Publishes A Letter From Mr. Qnaife, Who Went

out to New Zealand as a religious minister, and editor of a newspaper, (the Bay of Islands Advertiser, we believe,) in which he declares, that, if a native who is in custody on......

East India Shipping.

Arrived -At Gravesend, May 21st. Baugalme, Dirnie, from Singapore; '24th, Ver- non, Gimblett, from Bengal; 26th, Adino, Baxter; Auriga, Russ; Vulcan, Patrick ; Jane Cumming.......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

On the 19th May, at Boyle. near Burnley, the Lady of the Rev. ROBERT Monza' Mazrza, of a daughter. On the 142.1. in Belgrave Equate, the Wife of the Right lion. HENRY......

T.he Globe States That Mr. Matthew Elias Corbally, Who...

standing at the last election for Meath, in order to make room for Mr. O'Connell, has received a requisition from the electors, inviting him to stand at the approaching......


SATURDAY MOUT. Another section of the Bribery and Compromise question came -be- fore the House of Commons last night—the case altar. Warburton and the compromise at Bridport.......

Eleven Ministers Appeared At The Bar Of The General...

on Thursday, under the citation of that body. On the part of the minority of the Assembly, Dr. Cook entered a protestation, declaring the powers assumed by the majority in the......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY ATTERIZOON. The occurrence of the settlement of the Consul Account has been the only circumstance worthy of notice during the week. This event took place......

The Morning Papers Reported The Death Of The Earl Of

Coventry, at Kemp Town : the evening papei $ say that the Earl is at his residence in the Regent's Park, in his usual state of health ; the mistake having originated in the......

Quarterly Average Of The Weekly Liabilities And Assets Of...

Bank of England, from the 1st March 1842 to the 21st May 1842— LIABILITIES.ASsETS. Circulation £17,536,000 I Securities .£21,366,006 Deposits 8,045,000 Bullion 7,032,000......