28 MAY 1887, page 3

The Geographical Society, Which Held Its Anniversary...

felicitated itself, not unnaturally, on the estab- lishment of lectureships on geography in the two older Univer- sities, and regarded that as the commencement of a new epoch in......

Mr. Morley Made A Speech At Norwich On Wednesday, In

which, after condemning the Conservative Lord Chancellor's proposal with relation to the Land Laws, as not touching even the fringe of the question, he lapsed into the Irish......

Canon Maccoll Is A Most Decided Home-ruler ; But Some

of the Parnellites are too much even for hie patience. In a letter to the Daily News of Friday, he accuses Mr. O'Brien of visiting Canada "in order to vent his vindictive spleen......

Mr. Bell Cox Was Discharged From Prison Yesterday Week, On

the very technical ground that he was not imprisoned as a punishment for contempt of Court generally, but for disobeying the sentence of suspension for six months which had been......

The .nordenfeldt,' Submarine Steamboat, Has Been Finished...

Southampton Water. She is built of thick steel, is 120 ft. long by 12 ft. at the broadest part, and has a displacement of 250 tons. On the water she makes seventeen knots, and......

The Report Of The Committee Appointed To Inquire Into The

charges of corruption brought against the Corporation of the City of London was issued last Saturday, and came in effect to this,—that a good deal of money belonging to the City......

At The Annual Meeting Of The Iron And Steel Institute,

held in Westminster on Thursday, the new President, Mr. Daniel Adameon, expressed, in his address, a strong view on the absolute necessity for more canals. He said the mineral......

Mr. Morley, In His Speech, Bore Very Emphatic Witness To

the provocations which the rank and file of the Tory Party offer to the Parnellite Members, and especially stated that they had cheered the suggestion that Mr. Dillon might be......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.

Consols were on Friday losa to 1031.......