28 MAY 1965, page 15

Ilan Clark

Conflict 1941-45 BAR BAR OSSA Henry Cecil the case of Lord Cochrane A MATTER OF SPECULATION 4 , e4(/ 4ove1, Muriel Gantry THE DISTANCE NEVER CHANGES Mary Renault writes: 'This......

\vh1 1 Invn, White To Play And Mate In Two

moves ; solution next week. Solution to No. 231 (Rinck) I3—B 4 I, QxB (otherwise 2 P—Kt 8=Q ch will win) ; 2 R—R r!, B x R; 3 P — Q 5 and now (a)3 . . B xP ; 2 P—Kt 8=Q ch, B x......

All The Same, Word Of Mouth Is Worth Read- Ing

just for the laughs. The theatre people talk like Blanco Posnet--the same corny apostrophic earnestness; and the dialogue is often as crackly and smarty-pantsy as Bob Hope's.......