28 MAY 1988, page 24

Irish Operatives

Sir: In his column (Another Voice, 9 April), Mr Auberon Waugh states that 'the Building Employers Confederation is re- cruiting its workforce in Ireland'. From this, he makes......

Not Beyond Conjecture

Sir: I was struck by Paul Johnson's phrase ('When a reader cancels', 23 April), 'the police will act only if an erect male penis is shown'. Has Mr Johnson discovered non- male......

Fairy Stories

Sir: Both Patrick Kavanagh and Wendy Cope have said in The Spectator that I be- leive in goblins and 'the little people'. When have I said so? Certainly not on the South Bank......

Mind My Bytes

Sir: As I am about to submit a Ph.D. thesis on rule induction, which Myles Harris suggests is at the heart of artificial intelli- gence, I hope I am sufficiently qualified to......

Another Marlowe

Sir: In his article 'No great Shakes' (30 April) Martin Green attacks the myths people create about Shakespeare, but happily perpetuates one about Marlowe, describing him as `an......

The Real Ruth

Sir: Some of your readers will have been baffled by the new author whom Roy Jenkins invented, Ruth Dudley Williams, through a slip - of - the - word - processor (Books, 7 May).......