28 NOVEMBER 1958, page 20


With Railway Accidents, Now Embraces Motor In- Surance,...

third-party, burglary and many other miscellaneous contingencies. The marine department has sponsored aviation cover; the life department is today almost submerged by the demand......

Lloyd's, In Its Palatial New Home In Lime Street, Is

still just as essentially an institution of individual underwriters as it was in 1691 when Edward Lloyd provided quill pens and ink for marine under- writers in his Lombard......

But What About The Future? What Role Are These Foreign

banks likely to play in the world of con- vertible currencies which we are always promised foreign holder of sterling will be assured that any pounds he earns or holds can at......



Switch Into Other Currencies And The Margins Of The Rate

of exchange would be guaranteed. The difference between the two may be some- what technical. But it means just this to the foreign holder ; while at present he may hesitate to......


a growing extent in trade, and since it was useful for foreign traders to maintain their currency balances in London in the form of sterling, it was not long before several......

A Minor Tourist Attraction In The City Of Lon- Don Is

an old-fashioned pump in Cornhill. It dates back to the days when each 'insurance company maintained its own fire brigade; and the circumstance that it is still preserved by......