28 SEPTEMBER 1962, page 15

Sean O'casey

Stn.—I am engaged in editing the complete. author- ised Letters of Sean O'Casey, which will be pub- lished in both London and New York. I should be grateful to hear from anyone......

Six,--your Contributor Gloatingly Debunks The New Left,...

out its most important feature—it is the conscience of Britain. Disquieting world developments in the middle Thirties created the Spanish Crusaders and the Left Book Club with......

Late New Left The

re a d* e w People have the lucky distinction of to r i ng their own obituary, and I am naively glad re a d* e w People have the lucky distinction of to r i ng their own......

Si R, — Oliver Stewart Is Being Less Than Fair To The...

of Aviation in discussing why invitations to , the Farnborough Air Show were not sent to t h e Russians. The decision about invitations to the Private days at this year's......

Dritish Voluntary Service

Personal explanation and fairness to Mr. A lec Dickson may I point out that Mr. Lionel eelville's surprise over my letter of August 24, e xpressed on September 14, appears to......

The Common Market

Sia,--The main reason for the application to join the EEC is that British industry needs a la rge + `home' market, and also because our vital expor. prospects would be much......


SIR,—In his review of Ouvrard. Speculator of Genius, by Otto Wolff, Professor Brogan enumer- ates a number of alleged 'faults' in my translation. While I have the highest......