29 AUGUST 1846, page 20


THE BIRMINGHAM FESTIVAL. Ix every part of the management of this, as compared with former Bir- mingham festivals, there has been a marked improvement. There have been not one......


On the 1st June. at Victoria, Hon g Kon g , the Lady of the Rev. Vincent J. Stanton, her Majesty's Chaplain, of a son. On the 25th July, at Tan g ier, the Wife of John H.......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, Aug. 25. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Morgan and Swift, Sheffield, linendrapers—Taylor and Hewitt, Great HAMM, Yorke shire, brewers—Johnson and Dltchett, Louth, sur g......

Military Gazette.

Was-orrice, Au g . 25.—let Foot—J. C. Pu g h, Gent. to be Ensi g n, by purchase, vice Shadwell, appointed to the 21st Foot. 21st Foot—Lieut. W. Doraville, to be Capt. by......