29 AUGUST 1952, page 19

The Peacock's Cry

Peacocks are not to be seen every day. The sight of one magnificent specimen perched on a wall with its tail draped in a graceful pose is enough to make the hurrying traveller......

Water-supplies Many Places Draw Water From Wells Or By Means

of pumps, and will, in all probability, continue to do so when the rural water-schemes have been carried out, unless cost is disregarded. One cottage I know would have no other......

Country Life

THE town was hardly awake. A restless woman brushed the flags before her cottage; a man came sailing downhill on a bicycle with a brace of rabbits on his handlebars and a gun......

Signs Of Autumn

Signs that autumn is coming are everywhere. A yellowing leaf falls from the - sycamore; the blossom crumbles on the blackberry-bush and the birds are flocking. I counted over......

Taking Cuttings From Now On Conditions Will Be Suitable For

taking cuttings from most things that can be propagated by this means. Carnations, pinks, pansies, violas can all be increased by cuttings, as, of course, can such things as......